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Services for DDD, & Mental Health Consumers


Supported Employment is provide to assist persons in obtaining and maintaining competitive employment in the community and encourages work, social interaction, and integration. Staff is assigned to an individual to train and be of (moral and hands on) support at the job site until proficiency is achieved. The goal is to assist the employee with a disability in learning and performing the job and adjusting to the work environment. Follow-up or support services are provided as long as necessary. 


Respite care in the Consumers’ home, in an approved home or in the Community to temporarily relief the primary care-givers of their responsibilities and could be in a form of extended weekend care. Respect is provided when the Primary Caregiver takes a vacation, during an emergency or the death or hospitalization of a family member.


Hotel Respite basically has the same definition as Respite except it is provided in a "hotel" setting for individuals still living at home that needs supervision. It enables the caregiver to have a period of rest and renewal. Personal care staff accompanies and supervise our Consumers for a personalized planned weekend care at a hotel or guest house. This is provided in a group of five or more consumers.


Respite in an approved DDD home is the same as above except that services are in a private approved home.


Habilitation is provided in the Consumers= home or in the community in the areas of social, health, welfare, communication, by empowering Consumers through the provision of individual desire for independency as per plan of care. Included are: arranging use of community resources, recreational outing, school, training in money management, work, handling of emergencies, housing, recognizing street and other signs, voluntarily involvement in socialization or self help groups, develop self confidence when interacting with others, appropriate assertiveness, the use of public or private transportation, encourage in community participation such as volunteer, training or like interest.


Transitional Housing is provided for individual consumer who needed to mainstream into the community. Consumers are assisted with housing needs through Licensed Real Estate Brokers working with the agency. We assist with the necessary paperwork to accomplish consumers= housing needs.


Independent Living Program: we work with the individual consumer and the family members to develop (a Transitional) Independent Living Plan focused on a successful transition to the community or living independently from the family. We work with consumer through empowering on the skills needed to be independent:


Individual Support:  in the Consumers home, or within the community supporting in the area of daily living skills and personal assistance:

A Personal caregiver assist/supervise in accordance with individual specific approved plan of care as provided to the agency:

Daily living skills include basic household task, grooming, budgeting, meal planning, shopping, appointments and other errands essential to community integration.
















 Job attainment and maintenance.- Vocational training.- Locating and maintaining housing.- Banking and budgeting.- Awareness of community resources.- Socialization.- Drivers' training and education.- College preparation.- Career exploration.- Nutrition and Health


Assist in Personal Care/Teaching

Training in hygiene, grooming-appropriate dressing, cooking/support budgeting, medication support (limited to prompting), and escorting residents to medical/dental appointments


Individualized Support in Daily Living Skills

Meals planning/ nutrition

Shopping for food/cook including special diets

Assist/teach- cooking and routine housekeeping such as light cleaning laundry

Assist/teach -money management,



We provide In-Community Services to Adults and Family with Specific Challenges.



       In-home Counseling/Therapy

       Crisis Intervention and Stabilization

       Behavioral modification

       Train mother in Budgeting & Maintaining the home


Program for Young Adults or Adults

Transition from Group Homes or from an Institution to the Community

       Job Coach

       Community integration


       ADL skills

       General Support ServicesBas needed

       Assist with security an apartment/roommates



Cooking class

Chefs offer cooking classes to consumers in a safe environment that encourages discovery and creativity. Learning food preparation skills is the main ingredient at the cooking school. Each class adds and teaches kitchen safety, a scoop of etiquette, training on table setting & manner, and mostly we strive to create an ongoing fun and laughter environment through the joy of cooking.



Art & Craft Class

Under art & craft, we offer Water Painting, Art of Collage, Basics Crochet, and Pottery with Clay.

The goal is for you to possess an aura of self-confidence and an ability to enjoy yourself more both in public and private settings and for your mental outlook to take on a renewed sense of creativity, motivation, and energy. Foremost, to is to build self-confidence and promote independent living skills.

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